Sunday, February 5, 2012

Choosing your Instrument

Choosing your Instrument

To state the obvious, if you want to play guitar, you need a guitar to play on. However there are a number of different types of guitar and the type you get depends upon what you want to do with it. And the answer "Learn to play the thing, of course!" just isn't good enough. The main types of guitar are as follows:

Classical (or Spanish) guitar
Flamenco guitar
Accoustic (or Folk) guitar
Electric guitar
Semi-accoustic guitar
12-string guitar (*This can come in accoustic, semi-accoustic and full electric versions*)
Bass guitar (*Accoustic and electric*)

If you want to play Baroque concertos, you would not buy a bass guitar. Similarly if you want to play Heavy Metal, you would not buy a Flamenco guitar. But apart from those obvious examples, how does a complete beginner know which sort of instrument to get? If you are planning to take proper lessons, then your teacher will give you very good advice. If you are teaching yourself with the help of a book, then read what is has to say on choosing your instrument very carefully. The following is a general guide.

Classical or Spanish Guitar

The instrument traditionally used for playing "classical" music comes originally from Spain. It is made of wood with a large, hollow sound-box with a shape reminiscient of the female torso, which is probably why so many male guitarists give their instruments female names. (Both my Spanish guitars have male names, as indeed do all my instruments, which allows me to be rude about them!) The long fretboard is made of solid wood, and the machine heads are geared to facilitate fine tuning. Historically the instrument was strung with gut strings. Nowadays nylon strings are used - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER put metal strings on a classical guitar! - which gives a sweet, gentle, slightly muted sound. This instrument is ideal for any melodic work but particularly suited to classical music.

Cons: The fretboard is wider than on an accoustic guitar, which could cause problems for people with small hands and/or short fingers; nylon strings "learn" a tuning and don't "like" change, which makes experimenting with different tunings difficult and/or expensive; heavy strumming styles (e.g. heavy rock) doesn't sound quite right when played on nylon strings.
Flamenco Guitar

The main difference between this and a classical guitar is that the fretboard is even wider. Apart from that, the two guitar types are pretty much the same.1)
Accoustic or Folk Guitar

This is similar in looks to the classical. The main differences are that the fretboard is narrower with extra
strengthening to cope with greater tension, the sound-box is sometimes extra large (e.g. "Jumbo" guitars), and the strings are made of steel. The sound these make is thinner and more "brittle" and on a very cheap instrument can sound tinny. However it is very popular with folk musicians on both sides of the Atlantic who have little problem playing complex finger-picking styles on them. If you want to play rhythms, do a lot of heavy strumming, take your first steps in rock, use a variety of tunings or if you want to play blues and its variants, e.g. slide or "bottleneck" guitar, you should give this type of guitar serious consideration.

Cons: Not suitable for playing classical music; the metal strings cut into the fingers much more than nylon strings, and you may need to wear finger picks; the sound is harsher.

Electric Guitar

An electric guitar is a guitar which needs to be plugged into an electric amplifier for any appreciable sound to be
heard. Many are completely solid and can be heavy. Always wear a comfortable shoulder strap. Some electric guitars have a thin, hollow sound-box in which the electric gadgetry is concealed. These are usually more lightweight, and there are some machines on the market which can make a variety of sounds from "classical" through to a Stratocaster. The electric guitar is used for rock, pop and performance playing in venues where amplification is needed.

Cons: Requires additional equipment such as an amplifier, leads, effects pedals etc., to use as well as a power supply; all this comes expensive; everyone hears *all* your mistakes; requires frequent servicing by an expert.

Semi-accoustic Guitar

A semi-accoustic guitar is a proper electric guitar with a large enough hollow sound-box to make enough sound so that you don't have to plug it into an amplifier when playing in a smaller area such as the living room of an ordinary house. Because the sound-box is usually metal, it does not have the depth or quality of sound of an accoustic. Please bear in mind that accoustic guitars often come with a built in pick-up to facilitate electrical amplification when necessary, so be sure you really want a semi-accoustic before parting with hard cash.

Cons: As for electric guitar; a compromise between electric and accoustic.

12-string Guitar

Guitars usually come with six strings. Twelve strings therefore double the sound - there is no need to learn new
chords! This type of guitar is particularly useful where you want loud strumming with a depth of sound, but can also be use for picking out tunes where you want twin sounds an octave apart, although this takes practice to master. It can also be used as a percussive instrument. I have seen people finger-pick accompaniments on twelve-string guitars, and indeed have done so myself, but watch out for your fingers. Warnings about metal strings operate with a vengeance with this instrument, and I have yet to see a nylon-strung version. The fretboard is extra long and many people tune their instrument down a tone to ease the tension thus lightening the action. I tune mine down so that I can sing in F and play in G!

Cons: Less flexible than a six-string guitar; it can't be used for classical music; less suited to melodic work,
unless you want a particular effect; tuning the instrument is the greatest form of masochism known to guitarists!
Bass Guitar

A bass guitar comes with four or, less usually, five strings, and occasionally with a fretless neck. The tuning
is the same as for the bottom four (or five) strings of a guitar but down an octave, and the strings are therefore
thicker and heavier. The instrument is used for laying down a bass line, and sometimes for the rhythm. In some rock bands the bassist rather than the drummer holds the band's playing together - no, I do not have anyone in particular in mind!

Cons: You are limited in what you can play; electric basses require as much equipment as any other electric guitar; the extra equipment for electric basses can be expensive; solid electric basses can be very heavy, so check the weight.

The Pernese Connection

There had to be one, didn't there? Most of the above instruments are not Pernese and would not used by members of the Harpercraft. Being very practical people the inhabitants of our favourite planet would not waste their scarce metal and energy resources on metal guitar strings and electric amplification. Their guitars would be strung with gut, and the sort of music they played would suit the sound that produced. Which is not to say that no songs would be accompanied by heavy strumming. Of course some would. And no doubt someone would lay down a heavy rhythm line on an accoustic bass with thick gut strings. If you are thinking of taking up guitar simply because your persona is an apprentice harper, (and why not? As you learn, you can pepper your stories with anecdotes based on experience as you master hurdles such as bar chords) then apart from deciding that the most suitable instrument for you is the classical or Spanish guitar, there are a few other points to bear in mind. I mentioned earlier that modern guitars usually have geared machine heads to facilitate fine tuning. This means that you can turn the pegs through quite a large angle (e.g. 1800) and only marginally alter the string's tuning. Changing the note completely will require quite a few twists. This is not true of an ungeared (or pegged) intrument, where the strings are wound directly onto the tuning pegs. A small tweak can materially alter a string's tuning. I have a pegged banjo and speak from experience! If tuning a geared 12-string guitar is the greatest form of masochism known to guitarists, trying to tune a pegged instrument is sheer torture. Pity the poor journeyman charged with teaching the new apprentices - his nerves would be raw from the cacophony of a large number of pegged instruments not quite in tune with one another.

There are, of course, no electronic tuners on Pern, and Harpers would tune their instruments by ear. Members of the Craft who have achieved significant rank are quite likely to have perfect, or near perfect pitch. Other, lesser mortals would no doubt get their pitch from pipes not too dissimilar in concept from the pitch pipes that can be bought in any music shop. On Pern such pipes are more likely to be made from reed or wood, rather than metal. Picks for heavy strumming are likely to be made from bone. The solid part of a capo is more likely to be made from wood, although a Harper should be able to play in any key. Cases would be made from canvas, leather or wood. And in the hot, dry atmosphere of Central Weyr, the wood of the instrument would have to be kept well-oiled to prevent it drying out and warping.
Of course, if you really want to play Heavy Metal (or whatever) but thought you would write a Harper persona at the same time, you must buy the instrument that is most suited to what you want to do, rather than a classical because it is the most Pernese. Once you have started learning you will get to know other guitarists who may have nylon strung instruments which you could try out, for research purposes naturally!

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